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You are here: Font Override Codes

To override font colors, you can define a color to take effect when the <font> tag is used.
If you are using some fancy color scheme, Either do not use this code system, or create some classes for the colors.
This is reccommended for pages with black and white colors, or monochromatic pages in terms of font.
Change the color to whatever you want it to be, Then copy this into your profile.
You can also define other font properties to be used for this tag.
Also, for the other tags, you can change some of them around to suit your needs.
Click the copy button to copy the code.
You can only copy 1 code at a time!

To override the bold tags,

To convert text to lowercase,

Generator Options

To convert text to uppercase,

Generator Options

To remove bold and underlines from links,

To override underline tags,

To override the italic tag,

To override the strikeout tags,